Tuesday, February 24, 2009


A wise man once had quote

“Have patience with all things, but chiefly have patience with yourself. Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them - every day begin the task anew.”

But as normal, saying is much easier than acting on
it..I'm not so sure why..But these few days back i'm soooo exhausted..Not knowing why..maybe i'm going trough some obstacles but then while going trough my black magic book i notice another wise man once said:

“If you're trying to achieve, there will be road blocks. I've had them; everybody has had them. But obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.”

Therefore i re-check my purposes...Alhamdulillah it is still the same..Do it for Him The most Gracious and also for His Beloved Prophet Alaihi Salawatullahi Wassalaam.

I would to sh
are with all of you this one poem by Barudi that explain about love.Unfortunately it is in arabic..So good for me but hard work for you..Because if you like to know and understand the meaning within,you just have to do some research..haha..So the saying will goes like this:

سمع الخليُّ تأوّهي فتلفتا وأصابه عجبٌ وقال مَنِ الفتي؟

فأجبته إني أمرؤٌ لعب الأسى بفؤاده يوم النوى فتشتتا

أنظر إليّ تجد خيالا باليا تحت الثياب يكاد ألا يُنعتا

قد كان لي قلبٌ أصاب سوادهُ سهمٌ لطرف فاترٍ فتفتتا

تبع الهوى قلبي فهام وليته قبل التوغل في البلاء تثبتا

ألقته في شَرَك المحبة غادةٍ هيهات!ليس بصاحبي إن أفلتا!

كالورد خدا و البنفسج طُرة والغصن قدا والغزالة مَلفِتَا

تالله لو علم العذول بما جنى طَرْفِي عليّ لسَاءه أن يَشمَتا

طرفٌ أطلت عنانه ليصيب لي بعض المني فأصابني لما أتى

ياقلب حسبك قد أفاق معاشرٌ وأراك تدأب في الهوى فإلى متى؟

By the way, don't forget hah all of you to celebrate the Birthday of Our Precious Prophet Salawatullahi Alaihi..It is just around the corner..So don't miss it..And why should all of you give a damn if some of that ungrateful fellow telling you that celebration for Our Prophet is an innovation that will lead us to infedelity. Because whoever happy for Him Alaihi Salawatullahi Wassalaam..He will be happy for us.

So just wanna inform all of you..For this coming weeks i'm gonna be very busy..So just gonna share with all of you after i'm done with my responsibilities..And responsibilities never end...And yah also especially for her..Just wanna tell you how much i miss you...Make a guess..haha..

Till we meet again..Luv u