Alright...now the title was a bit ridiculous..but somehow it is interesting when that attitude is being link with a guy like me..and gosh..it could do wonders and it also could destroy your credibility when you are trying to be sincere...
As a person...i'm sure i'm rough..i'm not that lenient when i gave out an order..stern at times and of course i'm born with the face of caesar if only you do not know me well...but then sweet talker i'm..maybe yes or maybe not at all...
I have been trying all these times to tell people how much i care for them..i just would like to say i miss them so much...That i'm willing to do anything..i mean anything for them...and the problems,i always lie but i called it as rhetoric..my advice,never ever believe 100% what i say..it is your job to evaluate my statement and to help me to be better..but hey,i guess their judgments is something that i should think about...i'm sure that i still have alot to learn about sincerity...pride and dignity should goes fine with it...however,thanks to you all..action speaks louder than words..and i believe in it totally...rindu awak..( oh ok..i'm still a malay )