At this moment..my heart is shouting loud..my heart is crumble..my heart is uneasy till i lost goodnight sleep..my heart is searching for the answers..my heart is praying for guidance...my heart is asking for forgiveness...
Would i be forgotten by my love ones..would i be gone astray and will never ever walk on a straight path again..would you be my companion if i request..would you listen to my weep if i could not deny being hurt...would you forgive me if i betray you again and again..would you tape my heart if it had broken to pieces...would you heed my advice just because i care for you...would you hold my hand for a while even you are not gonna here...
What kept inside me will always remain a secret..what i shared will always a burden that i could not carry it any longer..
The future is full of surprises..the heart of my love ones is kept just within her..How could i understand when it is not reveal..And how could i act if i do not understand..Oh Allah..please enlighten me with the answer..please connect me to Prophet Alaihi Salawatullahi Wassalaam so i will be calm..Until then,i will just believe....