And then i walked again on this world..searching for answers..looking for comrades..befriends with my enemies..knowing myself..and most of all to kill the arrogance in my heart..
There i met him...a guy that i address him as our Mudaris..once he was our teacher..today he is our big brother..who will attend me when i'm in need..who will give me a valuable lessons when he thinks i need one...and not even once he disappoint my humble request..fatherly figure but yet so comfortable to be with...
And from him, i met them..who i acknowledged them as my brothers...brothers that accepted my shortcomings..lend me an ears when i'm in vain..tab my shoulder when i done a great job...and so the name of Bukhari,someone that i look up as a brother that i will console in every step of mine.Hamzah,a warrior he is and full of pride.Nas,so cool that an ice would melt.Khairil,always think out of the box.Rafi,brothers at heart and sincerity is his attitude.Andin,always wants the best in life.Qamar,a responsibility man and to have him as a father is a bless for his child.Nasir,the heart of courage is his strength.Mar,so hardworking that makes the world envy of his consistency and not forgetting a normal guy appearance but full of surprises,Rashid....
How would i also forget the name of brothers that shared my joy..taught me the meaning of brotherhood..From pre-u 2 united..to brand name of Hung-Hing...while the name fade away..Gagak Hitam was being establish...Brothers that i cared,brothers that i crumbled their hearts..will they forgive me if i'm sincere..will they accept me if i repent...I hope they will..and i will always hope they are..
The names like Zaki the most influential that could shake the world just with his presence, Hanafi who is gonna be a fatherly figure, Hamry who is so loud but kind at heart..Nazeeh who is so innocent that i wish i could turn the time again just to ask for forgiveness..Fatah,small size but full of enthusiasm,Budin the never say die attitude,Hyder who is young at age but full of experiences.Hasi so clumsy but had a vision that no one could had..Zayd who change alot but joker he is...Mizi,a mosquito we called but humble he is...Ismail not sure when he will shut up but had a soothing voice when reading the Quran..Noor Suriya a name that represent himself..always appreciate knowledge...Yasser,so easy going but stern at times...Nuzhan,a hypocrite they said but knows to comfort people gloominess..Yusof a guy who had a lot of ideas and still looking for answers..Shahid who is so patience that not even once that i notice the sign of anger on his face...The names was being mentioned..not to be forgotten while the names i failed to mentioned..because your faces will be always in my mind...
Then i met her...Before i met all of them..white shirt and red dress...love at first sight..i completely believe in it..cause till this moment the data never being deleted..the feeling still remains the same...The world called her The Light that enlighten people lives and the earth consensus is affirmative.
Along the middle..i lost the light..darkness approach me..and then i heard someone called my name..extend her hand and i hold it tight..she pulled me up and then i walked again..Feeling proud because she invited me in hers world..and the angels tell me she is Mishkah..the candles that shows the way...
When i'm about to reach the end..the candle started to fade away..saying..you have to go on by yourself..and then she left me alone..the road that looked clear begin to fogy once again...And blind i am...
I felt something..or someone...The Emotion she is hail..comes towards me and whispers at me..everything will be ok she said..i raise up again..understand that my journey is still along way to go..I search for the emotion in me..and i heard a whisper again..my job is done..it is time you believe in yourself and find what you really want...because your destiny is yours responsibility..put your faith on Allah and Rasulullah Alaihi Salawatullahi Wassalaam..They will be your guidance till the end...
i remorse till my shirt wept...A wise man tab my shoulder..an angel i thought but a Prophet name he is..Musa met the pharoah to preach him..while Musa that attended me,give me the encouragement so that i could be a warrior..and a warrior i be..
Still unclear when i will reach the destination..Then,i smell an elegant perfume that trying to show me a sign that i could not understand yet..i try hard to find it but failure i should be..someone is holding my hand..who is she i asked..she smiled and slowly kiss my cheek...whispering, a warrior you are..a boy lives within you..a light might be your reward if only you look trough till the end in what you are being responsible for...
And she just fade away....