Rizal bin Abdullah...a stranger...a friend...a family...a memory and most of all a guy who taught me a valuable lesson that had accompanied me till today..
He was guy that i met when i'm still naive..and of course i'm still at a young age..he lives beside my block during that time..a normal family..he lives with his grandmother..and of course my childhood friend although he was a bit older than me..4 years gap i should say..
But then as time passed we begun to get more closer..as though he was a big brother to me..We share our moments,our sadness and happiness..And most of all,to do the daring things in life..( evil remarks )even my mother will ask for his advice when i'm being caught smoking at the age of 9..crap
Until one fine day..when we were having fun ( don't ever do this,i repent ) at the void deck of our apartment..suddenly the environment that was full with laughter change to be so soothing and quiet..
He said: Ilyas, one day we are gonna be on our separate ways..We might not gonna meet again..But i feel glad because i met a friend like you..A stranger that become a part of my family..You should know that i do not even knew who was my parents..they left while i'm still a baby..And the only relative i have is my grandmother..and now i have you and your family...
I replied: What the fuck..come on.what the heck about..not even once i see you so emotional like this..are you gonna crazy or what..
He said: nah..just wanna act to be a cool guy..haha..
I replied: yah..whatever..
11 may 2000..Thursday..Time 4 a.m
My mother woke me up while i'm still in my own dream..and that dream became a nightmare..A guy that i hold strong..a guy that i trust...a stranger that became a family just met with a motorcycle accident..and the conversation was for real.we are going our separate ways.
The End
Treasure the moments..take accounts on all the words that being said..because it might the last time you gonna heard from your dear friends..nor girlfriend..boyfriends..wife..husband..parents..comrades..enemies..so stand beside them as long as you lives..and don't ever left them wandering alone..it just gonna cause you to miss them for the whole of your life...
We might be born apart but we will always be together forever..and there is even a time when i look at the sky and whisper to the world..How i wish i would listen to his heart....