Today i woke up so late that i even forgot my duties as a muslim...Unintentionally mistake..Does it ever exist? or human just making an excuse out of it..A lesson that i understand, as long we are called human beings we will intend to make mistake..Either it is gonna be with intention or vice versa.( is this corret? ) So making mistake is normal..To repeat the same mistake is acceptable but not to lean from that mistake is ignorance...
Why? I tell you why..You see my fellow brothers and sisters..We make mistake because that is our nature..And to learn from it and make an amendment is our obsulute nature...But the question,who will be our teacher that will teach us about the mistake? To refrain from that mistake? Of course it will not be than our Zaim Alaihi Salawatullahi Wassalaam..He is our guidance..The perfect creation that was being created to guide us..His ummah...
What? It cannot be..It must the Quran..It must be Allah..And the war in your head started...You see the Quran is the saying of Allah that was being to the heart of Salawatullahi Alaihi...Because He is the walking Quran...Thats why Allah quote in the Quran (Indeed that in us there is Rasulullah Alaihi Salawatullahi Wassalaam )
How we can understand the Quran without knowing who is our Prophet? Binding to Him ? And why not Allah? My dear beloved brothers and sisters..Had we ever reflected ourself in front of the mirror? Had we ever understand the power of Allah? If Nabi Musa Salamullahi Alaihi could not look directly to Allah than what about us...Someone who do not have any power.Any status to Allah..Do you think we could stand the teaching of Allah directly? With all the sin that we made till these days..Because Allah is just..A sin will be reprimand with punishment..But because of Habibullah Alaihi Salawatullahi Wassalaam..Allah wash away that sin because of His Habib Salamullah Ala Sayyidina Muhammad.....
Even when we ask forgiveness from Allah...We ask directly...Of course we can..But it will be 50/50 maybe less than that but we ask forgivenee from Allah trough Rasullulah Alaihi Salawatullahi Wassalaam..The forgiveness will be accepted 100%...And that stated in the Qura..Surah Nisa'...Which verse?..Come on,do some homework..Dont think about being spoon feed all the time...
So in us, we must believe...Only with Alaihi Salawatullahi Wassalaam we can be better Ummah..Becuse He is our Muallim A'lam...That teach us the Kitab and Hikmah...Which verse again? Come on..To gain pearl, you must work hard to find..So please,go and read the Quran and searh the verse k...The clue in 1st Juz before going to 2nd Juz..Thats the only clue i could provide...Haha....
I guess thats all for now..So remember..He Alaihi Salawatullahi Wassalaam is our teacher. The only teacher that teach us to refrain from making the same mistake and of course teach us everything...Take care my dear...