Hamdan Lillah Wa Syukran Li Rasulillah, i'm being blessed with good health and mind...Today i managed to do something that i had dream to do it a long time ago...To make use one of my Takwin to better use...Because a healthy body will have a wise mind...Sorry for the wrong usage of english sentence...haha...But hope all of you understand what i meant...
Biiznillah Wa Rasulih, tomorrow will be the day one of my Dandrawi brothers going back to Singapore...A guy who changed a lot,a guy who is full of silence but meant alot to someone who understand that silence...As a brother because of Him Alaihi Salawatullahi Wassalaam and only because of our Zaim Salaamullahi Alaihi i pray to Allah and ask Rasulullah Salawatullahi Alaihi to guide his journey..to give him the heart of Rijal...a heart that will never shake...The same goes to all of us...who are at His mercy..Because He Alaihi Salawatullahi Wassalaam is the only reason why we are here....
To enlighten our Takwin which is consist of mind,body,soul and desire...To make these Takwin binded to Him Alaihi Salawatullahi Wassalaam...
اللهم اجمع بيننا و بينه كما جمعت بين الروح و النفس ظاهرا و باطنا يقظة ومناما