In life it is ok to be poor in wealth..a bonus if we are rich...Not to able to read and write is still forgiven..With a knowledge is an extra hard and smart work...But unable to respect a person is an unfortunate for someone who is being called as a human being that is being created by The Creator...
Even when we look back to the Quran..when Allah order the angels to bow to Nabi Adam Alaihi Salaam is to teach them the 1st creation that was being created from clay...But the main purpose of that incident is to pay their respect to the source of all creation and that is the Nutfah Muhammadiyah...The Nur of Alaihi Salawatullahi Wassalaam...
While this is the Tahzib Illahi trough the Ta'lim Nabawi upon us as His Ummah..Why..Why...we are unable to perform that asic fundamentals...To respect others before ourself...We prefer to be respected but ignore the importance to respect others...Even there is a saying that goes,Respect is something you earn...
To respect Allah..And to respect the Beloved Prophet Alaihi Salawatullahi Wassalaam..He is the owner of all the universe...Why an ignorance fellow called Him by His name? Don't they feel shame? Don't feel guilty? Why they just can't adresse Him with Sayyidina..Our Master...Because that is the absolute order from Allah...
Please my dear reader..ignore the speling..the grammar..but please understand what i'm trying to convey to all of you..Because we are His Ummah..The only one that who will guarantee our life in this world and the hereafter...As a saying from one of Mamluukin LiRasulillah Salawatullahi Alaihi...
الأدب أفضل من الطاعة
Hope this second will be better than yesterday...Take care my dear brothers and sisters..