My objective in life is getting clearer day by day...Everyday i started to realize, a life without binding oneself to the Prophet Alaihi Salawatullahi Wassalaam is meaningless. Therefore, i pray to Allah and ask the Prophet Alaihi Salawatullahi Wassalaam to guide my path towards him. The source of all existance.
Yah, i guess thats it for today...My pupose in life is still far away..but i believe i could reach that destination with inayah of the beloved Prophet Alaihi Salawatulahi Wassalaam.

- ilyas
- WARRIOR is my appearance.. HUMBLE is my character.. ARROGANCE is my flaw.. MIRACLE is my belief.. LEARNING is my interest.. I BUILD MY OWN EMPIRE is my quote.. And.. NEVER SAY DIE is my best attitude.