Somehow i manage to walk this path with maturity..I believe i'm getting older and wiser i guess..No hard feeling k my dear...When we are getting older...To be wiser and mature are the benchmark to see how far we are getting there..An objective where we had set before this...But if not...then beware..Because the life that had been given by the only Creator is not for fun..But to fill up the purpose to be The Rijal of Alaihi Salawatullahi Wassalaam...If we bind our heart to other than Allah and Rasulullah Alaihi Salawatullahi Wassalaam then we are gonna be ungrateful creation...So the only thing that we could and suppose to do is to submit ourself only and only to Allah The Creator and To the Source of Creation Salamullahi Alaihi...
Because as a mukmin we will being test by Allah..And That what we called Fitnatul Ibtila'( Don't be lazy, go chec the dictionary yourself k)...5 test that a mukmin will face that had been quated in the Quran...
1st: Khauf
2nd: Juu'
3rd: Naqs minal Amwal
4th: Naqs minal Anfus
5th: Naqs minal Thamaraat.
( DO some research k)
A test for us a mukmin because witout a test then what is the point of heaven and hell..If going to heaven is enough just by praying and fasting without a test...Then why hell was being created...So my brothers and sisters...Face the test..Face it with a smile...Because in it..There is a Rahmah...Say the Salawat onto Him Alaihi Salawatullahi Wassalaam with sincerety because in it, there is help...A blessing...And every cause there is a reason..
And don't ever feel happy on what we are doing in our performance towards Allah and Rasulullah Alaihi Salawatullahi Wassalaam...Because that is the biggest sin and when we think again,what we had done....