It such few moments, alot had take place...any decision that i take..either with risks or is something that i will look trough to the end...A destiny that had been permitted by Allah,a fate that had been written before time was being created...I submit myself to the only Creator and to the only best Creation....
I hope the path that i chose and gonna choose in this life will be redha by Allah and Rasulullah Alaihi Salawatullahi Wassalaam. To give me the strength of Rijal that will fight till the end...Even though i will fall in the middle of this path, i will stand up again and continue this long away journey just to please Him..and only Him The Prophet Alaihi Salawatullahi Wassalaam. Because with I'qaal Makiin and I'tiqad Matiin when we do to please Him Alaihi Salawatullahi Wassalaam, Allah will please with you.
Therefore i pray to Allah and ask Rasulullah Salamullahi Alaihi to grant my teach me give be patience and most of all don't change the heart of mine..i will strive to be the act on what i learn and understand...Because a real mukmin who make use of his strength and his lisan...
And today...i perform my gratitude to Him Alaihi Salawatullahi Wassalaam for still blessing one of the Allah creation to continue the Masirah Zatiyah and Masirah Jami'yah....Till to that end of journey...With hope i could be one the Takwin Muhammadi...And till to this vary moment..I'm still trying...still searching..With the guidance of Allah and Our Sayyid Alaihi Salawatullahi Wassalaam....

- ilyas
- WARRIOR is my appearance.. HUMBLE is my character.. ARROGANCE is my flaw.. MIRACLE is my belief.. LEARNING is my interest.. I BUILD MY OWN EMPIRE is my quote.. And.. NEVER SAY DIE is my best attitude.