And now what....
Guess i'm getting use to do things my own way...No one to talk to...no one to share what i feel deep inside...but hey...i'm ok..everything just fine...no need to complain...i could do whatever i wanted to...take my own sweet times...except the sharing session with a human being is what i miss most...i'm not trying to gain your symphaty...but that's mankind afterall...they need someone to pour what they feel inside..the fear...the anxiety....the interminable moment of waiting....
Yah...just got a wake up call...my result had arrived at my arabic literature faculty...wow...i'm trying not to think about it...but hey...i'm really anxious to know about the result...i need to go trough this obstacle...i just wanted to complete my study here and then i could continue to do what i wanted to do...
You know...to continue my study at MDIS...Taking a Diploma in mass communication...get a job...earn a salary...start saving...take care of my parent...and yah..who knows i might get marry...but yah...it still along way to go...but as long i'm breathing...i will try to accomplish as much as i can...and that's all will never happen without the permission of The Gracious Allah and The Most Beloved Prophet Alaihi Salawatullahi Wassalaam...when the road is getting tough...i will just have to be tougher...
Yah...the presence of the result just get on my nerves...For once...a favour to my audiences..please pray for me...i really need it badly...