And here i am...I'm tired but i guess wherever i'm damn tired...Lots of ideas will come to my mind..Well for today,my schedule was a bit hectic...I went to The Mosque Of Dandrawi to perform my friday prayer..Ate two bowl of Adas...it's a simple gulf cuisine but trust me...It is super delicious..I spent half of day over there till Asar prayer...Went home...chat with Hasi for awhile..He gave me tips how to loss some weight...Hey,he is an instructor of Singapore Malay Martial Arts...Standing ovation..Clap..Clap...
Then went for a jog..did some skipping and weight lifting...Hey,15 kg guys...need to push myself a little bit more...and then meet some of my friends..we played squash again with newly bought rackets....and spent for an hour at kelantan restaurant...and here i am again in front of the laptop...
With all the activies...i guess my mind was distracted a bit from thinking about something that is not certain..The feel of missing someone....
Ironically when we talk about friends, the special one and marriage...These three are totally different status either on written document..on the facebook..the responsibilities...but there is one thing in common...Love...whatever you called it..mutual love...unconditional love...but at the end of the it is still called love...and this love is being accompany by a syllable name trust...your love will be test..therefore to trust is a must...
To trust in friendship...to trust your special one...to trust in your marriage...You may be deceived if you trust too much, but you will live in torment if you don't trust enough.