As i opened my eyes, i viewed my surrounding. Everything is still at the same place. My books are not in order. The desk is still in a mess but hey it's morning. A new day, a new experience and a new moment..
I assume that's all about changing...The world is changing..When 15 years ago Tora was highly demanded by kids...but today Tora is just a memoir of the past.My parent is getting older..My sister had been married for 4 years...my brother is gonna finish his NS and my small sister get promoted to pri 6....While for me..i'm gonna be a year older next year..wow..27...it seems like a suitable age for me to come out from hideout...
As a creation that called mankind..all of us will go trough different learning process..not forgetting the changing process..The day when i learned howto smoke a cigarrete and today it just become my bad habit...15 years ago when i'm ashamed to hold hand with my beloved mother.but today i yearn to be with her every sec...from an infant and i become an adult..some of my friends are getting married..some of them are husband and wife...even a throng of comrades had further their studies for higher degree..and all of us face that changes..although that changes will not be in the same features..
Only there is only a thing that all of us share in common..The heart i called the term...All of us will experience what does love means..what is it to hate..to be admired...and the uneasy feeling to miss someone that is far from our eyesight...but will the feeling change...yah,i will not deny the fact that even the heart changes...but because of the faith, it will remains still...and because of the faith..the heart will continues to understand and believe till death do all of us apart.While the heart could not carry the heavy burden alone..Therefore, it's in needs to find a companion to share what it had been keeping alone...not to shift the burden but to share...The faith to believe...the faith to wait...and the stronger your faith is...the stronger it will stand and will never tilt...but a change is a must..and to change is to move forward....to be better....
Abbreaviating for all of us to adapt to changes....Move forward...improve yourself...accept the changes as challenges...and the heart that being created in you, hold it dearly...because at the end of the day...only with the strong belief will triumph...