WARRIOR is my appearance..
HUMBLE is my character..
ARROGANCE is my flaw..
MIRACLE is my belief..
LEARNING is my interest..
I BUILD MY OWN EMPIRE is my quote..
NEVER SAY DIE is my best attitude.
Ok announcement...i guess this will be my last chapter for the season...gonna be away for awhile...maybe a month or more...
And looking back at my older posts...from the journey of my own feeling...to be loved...to love....to be hurt...to deceived people trust...to miss someone
The story of 'she'...part of me...my family...friends...people that surrounds me...memoirs for mom...changes...
I just wanna say thanks to all of you that take your time to read my posts...sorry for the usage of grammars till the sentences context.I appreciates it alot...
It had been a wonderful journey with all of you....
Guess i'm getting use to do things my own way...No one to talk to...no one to share what i feel deep inside...but hey...i'm ok..everything just fine...no need to complain...i could do whatever i wanted to...take my own sweet times...except the sharing session with a human being is what i miss most...i'm not trying to gain your symphaty...but that's mankind afterall...they need someone to pour what they feel inside..the fear...the anxiety....the interminable moment of waiting....
Yah...just got a wake up call...my result had arrived at my arabic literature faculty...wow...i'm trying not to think about it...but hey...i'm really anxious to know about the result...i need to go trough this obstacle...i just wanted to complete my study here and then i could continue to do what i wanted to do...
You know...to continue my study at MDIS...Taking a Diploma in mass communication...get a job...earn a salary...start saving...take care of my parent...and yah..who knows i might get marry...but yah...it still along way to go...but as long i'm breathing...i will try to accomplish as much as i can...and that's all will never happen without the permission of The Gracious Allah and The Most Beloved Prophet Alaihi Salawatullahi Wassalaam...when the road is getting tough...i will just have to be tougher...
Yah...the presence of the result just get on my nerves...For once...a favour to my audiences..please pray for me...i really need it badly...
As i opened my eyes, i viewed my surrounding. Everything is still at the same place. My books are not in order. The desk is still in a mess but hey it's morning. A new day, a new experience and a new moment..
I assume that's all about changing...The world is changing..When 15 years ago Tora was highly demanded by kids...but today Tora is just a memoir of the past.My parent is getting older..My sister had been married for 4 years...my brother is gonna finish his NS and my small sister get promoted to pri 6....While for me..i'm gonna be a year older next year..wow..27...it seems like a suitable age for me to come out from hideout...
As a creation that called mankind..all of us will go trough different learning process..not forgetting the changing process..The day when i learned howto smoke a cigarrete and today it just become my bad habit...15 years ago when i'm ashamed to hold hand with my beloved mother.but today i yearn to be with her every sec...from an infant and i become an adult..some of my friends are getting married..some of them are husband and wife...even a throng of comrades had further their studies for higher degree..and all of us face that changes..although that changes will not be in the same features..
Only there is only a thing that all of us share in common..The heart i called the term...All of us will experience what does love means..what is it to hate..to be admired...and the uneasy feeling to miss someone that is far from our eyesight...but will the feeling change...yah,i will not deny the fact that even the heart changes...but because of the faith, it will remains still...and because of the faith..the heart will continues to understand and believe till death do all of us apart.While the heart could not carry the heavy burden alone..Therefore, it's in needs to find a companion to share what it had been keeping alone...not to shift the burden but to share...The faith to believe...the faith to wait...and the stronger your faith is...the stronger it will stand and will never tilt...but a change is a must..and to change is to move forward....to be better....
Abbreaviating for all of us to adapt to changes....Move forward...improve yourself...accept the changes as challenges...and the heart that being created in you, hold it dearly...because at the end of the day...only with the strong belief will triumph...
And here i am...I'm tired but i guess wherever i'm damn tired...Lots of ideas will come to my mind..Well for today,my schedule was a bit hectic...I went to The Mosque Of Dandrawi to perform my friday prayer..Ate two bowl of Adas...it's a simple gulf cuisine but trust me...It is super delicious..I spent half of day over there till Asar prayer...Went home...chat with Hasi for awhile..He gave me tips how to loss some weight...Hey,he is an instructor of Singapore Malay Martial Arts...Standing ovation..Clap..Clap...
Then went for a jog..did some skipping and weight lifting...Hey,15 kg guys...need to push myself a little bit more...and then meet some of my friends..we played squash again with newly bought rackets....and spent for an hour at kelantan restaurant...and here i am again in front of the laptop...
With all the activies...i guess my mind was distracted a bit from thinking about something that is not certain..The feel of missing someone....
Ironically when we talk about friends, the special one and marriage...These three are totally different status either on written document..on the facebook..the responsibilities...but there is one thing in common...Love...whatever you called it..mutual love...unconditional love...but at the end of the it is still called love...and this love is being accompany by a syllable name trust...your love will be test..therefore to trust is a must...
To trust in friendship...to trust your special one...to trust in your marriage...You may be deceived if you trust too much, but you will live in torment if you don't trust enough.
Ok...i'm so super tired right now...but i guess,hey..it is still early over here..so i switch on the on loan laptop and post something...the more i write..the more i will learn how to write better....the more i learn to generate my ideas...
So what about we talk about weight...when i look at my previous body weight..from 65 kg in 2000 then 90 kg in 2007 and 85 kg at this moment..hey..what had i been doing..but then when i look around,there is quite a person that could loss their weight any moment...when they face problems...when they do intensive exercise...and yah..i face problems...but i gain weight...i do exercise..i jog..skip...weight lifting..but just 5 kg....
and that is just ridiculous..come on...i could not compare myself to others...because the most important thing when there is a will there will always a way...thats why the terminology of patience is easily said then done...the terminology to wait is much easier to understand than to act on it...and the attitude to have an instant result is just totally unacceptable...
In everything that we initiate, needs time...you just can't jog for an hour an expect to loss 10 kg..take things step by step...and now..i have to loss 15 kg in 4 months time...85 kg - 15 kg = 70 kg...Is it possible? The motto impossible is nothing is ambiguous...but guess what..i will try till the end...when it is impossible...create the possibilities....now that a quote..:D