Hello ladies and gentlemen...Today i learnt new lessons again..A few hours ago, we had a soccer tournament.Unfortunately we lost 1 - 0 with Sabah.Not a bad result but still to go home with a lost is totally upset.Should we keep reminding about that fluke goal toward us or trying our best to look that tomorrow as a new day and as a new challenge.
I belief if we are keep repeating about that lost we will never raise to other stage..Instead of memories for us to be better.It will be nightmare that will block our path as human being..But if we learnt from that mistakes..A mistake that we accept together as a team..As one..than we will upgrade furter..Not just we are gonna be better but the bond of brotherhood will be stronger..We accept our shortcomings,admit our mistakes and look at our past as our guide for our own future then we wll be up there without us notice it.
I realized one thing, at the end of the day we are still a creation that called human being.We intend to make mistake either with intention nor unintentionally.Therefore,we must hold on each other,support one another as of course we try to amend our ways together not just to be a better muslim but also the sincerity towards each other as brothers.Thats all folks