Haha..how are all of you? hope you doing very fine..it had been few months since i last update this blog..And yah, life is also a learning process every sec..Incidents took place..facing with difficult choices..memories and alot more..Thats why we could never prognosticate our own future..because life is full of surprises.
And til this moment, when i refresh that memories it had mould me to be a better man. Not perfect but better than before..Although some of the memories were bad memories but i accept it as part of our life. I agreed with al of you that human make mistake..We had to accept failure as one of the path that we should face.. I also believe that regrets in certain decisions is undeniable. But the question, what should we do after that interminable wait of hapless incidents.
The answer: Change for the better.
You see my friends, in all of us are instil with values, dignity and awareness...Like some of our comunity they have a mindset believing that they will fail in whatever they do..But i believe that we must accept a failure not think as a failure...Because as a human being we must improve from being worse to bad..and from bad to good and etc..But still that comment is my own believe..haha( can't force anyone )
We must aim high but be realistic..We must think like a great philosopher but be idealistic...So the idea is there..but to make the theories to be seen we must put it into practices..And to implement that theory to improve depends on own values.
Recently i have been presented with tough obstacles. A choice that i should make..If you gonna ask me..How do i feel? Damn.( hah,understand ) But i just had to do it..And i believe with the pride and determination that i hold strong. Just do it and admit your mistake if it is wrong and don't be complacent if things go right..Because to realise our own mistake is the most impossible things that a human being will do..
I guess thats all for now..you have fun out there. Hold strongly to someone that you love sincerelyBecause if you gonna ask me what i regret most in my life..Leaving her..Could i amend that mistake?I would never will unless i admit my mistake..And so the beginning of my love story just begin. My advice, Never let them go whatever happen. And don't make a mistake like i did..ok.