Somehow i manage to smile and laugh freely for today..All of my burden was being released for a while..Somehow i able to see my future clearly, not absolute but better than before...Somehow my soul is lively again,not sure how long it will last but it will be enough to carry out my spirit at it best.
Yesterday was the critical moment for me..Wondering how i will face the test of courage..How long could my endurance last..Alhamdulillah, everything went well, not impressive but well..Today that courage and endurance are being regenerated by listening to those voices.. A voice of unity,a voice of brotherhood and a voice of hope...
While tomorrow is still unseen.It is still hazy,unclear but because of these gifts i notice life is not so bad when you lost someone dear to you..Accept the reality..You gonna lost someone.And someone will replace that lost..but it will never be the same.The pain could heal but the memories will remain..
Therefore, i will go on walking this lonely path without companion except with a heart of belief that Allah and Rasululluah Alaihi Salawatullahi Wassalaam will guide me till the end of this long journey that me myself does not know the end. Once again,thanks to all of you.