Friday, December 4, 2009


Just finish my project and the wonderful part i am now into this site on language.So read on....

According to Lodge (1997), the colloquial or vernacular use of language is extremely important, not only to sociolinguists, but in the study of semantics and meaning in context. In his study, Lodge identifies three features of language variation that he believes are essentially true:

  1. Variability is natural in language and essential to its social role in our everyday lives. A broad and increasing lexicon is essential in order to express the 'nuances' of human emotions and personal identity and experiences.
  2. There are no 'breaks' in language varieties, meaning that there are no pure homogeneous styles and dialects that exist. Rather, there are scales or gradations of linguistic style and language, and these scales are fluid and are subject to change.
  3. Language variation is not a free or unrestricted process. Even slang is subject to factors that are outside language, such as age, gender, and cultural background.
And yes...going home soon

Friday, October 30, 2009

Egypt - Singapore

2 more weeks to go...for my teacher training will end...and guess what...i'm going back to my home know, take a break...and coming back here to finish one more subject...while the sadness had long gone...its time to move on..looking forward is the only way for me to be stronger...while the past will be a lesson...while everything is still ambiguous...i will enjoy every moment...either with friends...alone...and of course to get use of the transition to be a better man...gosh,i'm not a boy no more...but still there are few things that i would like to do when i reach home...

1st of all,i would like to explain to my parents about my failure in my examination...of course they will be sad...but as a son and also as brother...i must have a strong character...i will work...i will learn...and of course i will amend whtever mistakes that i had made before..

2ndly,meet know it had been a year plus since i left her...while the brown baju kurung still fits me,i'm not sure about she gonna welcome me with an open arms...a warm homecoming...or otherwise...i just hope i could put a smile on her face... Dandrawi brothers...from Mudaris to Bohari and everyone...i would like to spend time with them...i would like to say i'm sorry...very very go back to the past is impossible...but to work hard for the present for better future is always open wide for me...for everyone though... PS3...there are quite few games that i would like to buy...assasin creed 2,socom,GOW,resident evil...i'm just gonna spend most of time complete all the games and of course read some mom is gonna nag...but hey,i miss that nagging... will never be the same again...and i end my speech with Welcome to the world again...

Monday, October 26, 2009

Its a funny world

Hello guys...i'm damn tired...the course that i am taking right now is fun,full of factual facts on language....except,there are full of projects and assignments...but hey,i am glad that it managed to distract me from the result of my examination...unfortunately, i failed my only paper...13 out of 100....its a funny result after all...

And now i'm still considering...either to go return to Singapore for awhile and come back to Egypt on mid of Feb...or i would rather stay till next Jun...since it is still under consideration,i will just make it the last thing on mind..but yeah,i still need to evaluate the outcome and whatever it is gonna be...i pray that will be gonna be the best and also the redha of Allah and Rasulullah Alaihi Salawatullahi Wassalaam...well,its a funny circle of life anyway.

Furthermore,i realized when someone is sad...the only that you could cling on will be only The Creator and The Best Creation...but somehow i feel disgrace to face Allah and The Prophet Alaihi Salawatullahi Wassalaam...You know,when you are bless with wealth and health....the feeling of submission is totally fade from you...and otherwise when something unlucky happen to you...the prayer will be longer and most of all no one will ever understand that feeling...and so i said,human being is a funny creation...

And not forgetting to all my comrades....i wish you all the best in your examination...hope all you will do your best...just like a quote,when the road gets tough,you just have to get tougher....

As I thought of the person that is most important to me in the world,
I walked along a cherry blossom colored path, alone
Oh person that is most important to me in the world,
I love you, bye bye…

When I opened the window, I took a deep breath
My spring dreams expand out into the cheerfulness, that’s different from usual
It’s like playing with soap bubbles
When you pop one, it’s reborn anew, and hopes return
Right now, I’m not scared of anything strange, but even if I was apart from you

The sky, the sky would be connecting us together,
so we could get through anything, no matter what it was
One day, one day, when I go to see you,
let’s send some soap bubbles flying out

Writing down the phrase “Have a nice life.”,
I send it flying as a paper airplane
There’s so much that you want to hear from me,
It got me worried
Have your tears dried already?
Have you gotten your smile back?
Well first off, if the answer to those two questions is “Yes”,
then please, please answer me
I ran into myself from back on that day, changed,
and now I’m a positive boy
Windswept, I’m sweating beneath the sun
The mark on my right side has changed, it’s changed to say
“if you’ve got the energy, you can do anything”
When I remember you, it doesn’t hurt anymore

When the cherry blossom petals
dance in your sky
I’m praying from a far away place,
for you to be happy…

You sent me a letter, “I got married”
Was the subject of it; it doesn’t hurt me
It doesn’t really hurt me at all,
I’m not thinking anything of it anymore
At least that’s what I’m telling myself,
but the sky is clear, and the birds are chirping
The flowers are blooming,
it’s like a spring festival
I can’t let myself cry,
I’m going to send you my blessing
Smiling, I’m going to live my life for today,
treasure the person who is at my side
I’m going to put all of my love into everything that I touch

Smile again, smile again, I head toward the far away future,
without standing still
Keep on, keep on, let the party continue,
make noise and laugh, put your hands up
Smile again, smile again, I head toward the far away future,
without standing still
Keep on, keep on, let the party continue,
make noise and laugh, put your hands up

This is the last song
that I’ll sing for you
I’ll put into it a little strength, and my true blessing
The cherry blossom petals
dance in my sky today
I’ll send some goodbye soap bubbles off to you,
from a far away place

Saturday, October 17, 2009

The waiting

Ok...the waiting is gonna over in few hours time....gonna check my result....and wow,everything will just not gonna be the same again after this i wish me the best k...

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Okay everybody....1st of all sorry for the long absence...guess i've been away for a long time...docile...and most of all not picking up anyone calls...most of you sure were vexed with see,for this whole two weeks i've been hibernate...

And yeah,just finish up this project of mine...reading the white document of wasiqah baida'...999 pages...need to focus...need to be far away from the mankind and try to understand our nature as a human being better...and guess what...there are 3 things that i realised while there are 3 things i would like to say.....

1st...the importance for all of us to understand our history..not history of our nation but history about our condition...look at our surrounding...and you will find we are in a shape that need to be refurbish...there was a time when human being was being granted a pure heart...a heart that forgive...a heart that is not bias...and of course a heart that being instill in them the Prophet Alaihi Salawatullahi Wassalaam...when Sayyidina Abdul Rahman Bin Auf,one of the richest companion of Alaihi Salawatullahi Wassalaam could eat together with Sayyidina Bilal Bin Rabah...a former slave but was being freed by Sayyidina Abu Bakar As-Siddique....

And that is something we should ponder on...while today,you know...VIP...guest of honor...and above of all,you never see a rich man sit together with a poor,what does really happened?

2nd...that's why i so into arabic language..while all languages represent their nation...arabic language represent your faith...ok...i'm not gonna talk about the Quranic language or the Hadith of Alaihi Salawatullahi Wassalaam...but if you go deeper,you will see,that in every words,every sentences of arabic language represent our past...represent our state right why Allah says in Quran trough lisan Sayyidil Basyar...why the previous Ummah was being demolished by Allah greatness and while The Ummah of Sayyidil Basyar remains still...

3rd....come on...while nature is obedient...we the mankind are totally opposite...we pretend to be perplex...we think we are scholars...and most of all,we think we know what is really happening around us..but the fact is...we know is just because we like to question God..why we pray...why we fast...and most of all why must we say Appraisal for The Prophet Alaihi Wassalaam..since we ask silly questions,we would always get a silly answers..well,action speaks louder than word...but we complain much....

ok...for the remain 3 that i would like to say....

1st....come on guys...i just been for 2 weeks..yah,i don't pick up your calls...please don't misinterpret...i'm just doing some research..and you will like...whatever...bla bla bla....hhahahaah

2nd...all great leaders need their time alone to do some spiritual revival...i'm not great but i've got the potential...ok,that is so obnoxious...

3rd...Whatever we do in life...echoes in eternity...

guess that's all for now...wishing all of you the best...and your mistake as a friend is my failure as a man...

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The air

Something bad might happen...Someone is gonna get hurt...Well,its gonna happen anyhow....

Maroon 5 - Wont Go Home Without You

Friday, September 25, 2009

The finger

Well what does heart breaker i woke up so early in the though i just woke up from an adventure journey...a journey that taught me a very valuable lesson..a journey that open up my vision wider....

And here, i look at my fingers...counting the days...months....while my days are numbered...i realize a greater challenges await me when i get home....

I miss them...all of them...from my parents...hey,my mom keeps babbling the same things these few Usrah Dandrawiyah,brothers that will always be there....yah,national library brings back memories...mee goreng mata i crave for it more then ever...guess i appreaciate food better....

While i believe there will be a lot of changes back home...i'm not sure if the heart will change as well...a lot of misunderstanding had occur...a lot of explaination needs to be make....and i guess thats all of because we intend to write what we feel or keep it within ourself....but hey we are human to talk and to listen are the best action to clear everything....and since we are so far away....i just could do nothing and i will not do anything till i look again at that face.....

So i look at these fingers...3 more left to go...and then i would say...hey,i'm everyone,please bear with me a little more....

And one more thing...please please don't jump to conclusion when you read my blog...haha...because it is either my english is beginner level or you really could not understand my english...and thats why chatterbox was being prepared....hahahhaha