Well well....now what does heart breaker means....now i woke up so early in the morning...as though i just woke up from an adventure journey...a journey that taught me a very valuable lesson..a journey that open up my vision wider....
And here, i look at my fingers...counting the days...months....while my days are numbered...i realize a greater challenges await me when i get home....
I miss them...all of them...from my parents...hey,my mom keeps babbling the same things these few days....my Usrah Dandrawiyah,brothers that will always be there....yah,national library brings back memories...mee goreng mata lembu...now i crave for it more then ever...guess i appreaciate food better....
While i believe there will be a lot of changes back home...i'm not sure if the heart will change as well...a lot of misunderstanding had occur...a lot of explaination needs to be make....and i guess thats all of because we intend to write what we feel or keep it within ourself....but hey we are human being...so to talk and to listen are the best action to clear everything....and since we are so far away....i just could do nothing and i will not do anything till i look again at that face.....
So i look at these fingers...3 more left to go...and then i would say...hey,i'm home...so everyone,please bear with me a little more....
And one more thing...please please don't jump to conclusion when you read my blog...haha...because it is either my english is beginner level or you really could not understand my english...and thats why chatterbox was being prepared....hahahhaha