Okay everybody....1st of all sorry for the long absence...guess i've been away for a long time...docile...and most of all not picking up anyone calls...most of you sure were vexed with me...you see,for this whole two weeks i've been hibernate...
And yeah,just finish up this project of mine...reading the white document of wasiqah baida'...999 pages...need to focus...need to be far away from the mankind and try to understand our nature as a human being better...and guess what...there are 3 things that i realised while there are 3 things i would like to say.....
1st...the importance for all of us to understand our history..not history of our nation but history about our condition...look at our surrounding...and you will find we are in a shape that need to be refurbish...there was a time when human being was being granted a pure heart...a heart that forgive...a heart that is not bias...and of course a heart that being instill in them the Prophet Alaihi Salawatullahi Wassalaam...when Sayyidina Abdul Rahman Bin Auf,one of the richest companion of Alaihi Salawatullahi Wassalaam could eat together with Sayyidina Bilal Bin Rabah...a former slave but was being freed by Sayyidina Abu Bakar As-Siddique....
And that is something we should ponder on...while today,you know...VIP...guest of honor...and above of all,you never see a rich man sit together with a poor fellow....so,what does really happened?
2nd...that's why i so into arabic language..while all languages represent their nation...arabic language represent your faith...ok...i'm not gonna talk about the Quranic language or the Hadith of Alaihi Salawatullahi Wassalaam...but if you go deeper,you will see,that in every words,every sentences of arabic language represent our past...represent our state right now...like why Allah says in Quran trough lisan Sayyidil Basyar...why the previous Ummah was being demolished by Allah greatness and while The Ummah of Sayyidil Basyar remains still...
3rd....come on...while nature is obedient...we the mankind are totally opposite...we pretend to be perplex...we think we are scholars...and most of all,we think we know what is really happening around us..but the fact is...we know nothing...it is just because we like to question God..why we pray...why we fast...and most of all why must we say Appraisal for The Prophet Alaihi Wassalaam..since we ask silly questions,we would always get a silly answers..well,action speaks louder than word...but we complain much...so much....
ok...for the remain 3 that i would like to say....
1st....come on guys...i just been for 2 weeks..yah,i don't pick up your calls...please don't misinterpret...i'm just doing some research..and you will like...whatever...bla bla bla....hhahahaah
2nd...all great leaders need their time alone to do some spiritual revival...i'm not great but i've got the potential...ok,that is so obnoxious...
3rd...Whatever we do in life...echoes in eternity...
guess that's all for now...wishing all of you the best...and your mistake as a friend is my failure as a man...