Now i understand what does it mean to be free...you know...to be alone at my room...fill with different kind of books...not to mention the temptation to sleep for long hours....and hey...i managed to break out from the cage that i built in my mind....
To learn something will never ever be meaningful unless you learn what the outside world mean...you just need to apply what you had learn along these years so you could see the benefit of that small amount of knowledge...
Like there is a difference between ilm and makrifah...while ilm is to know the details and application...while makrifah is to know something in a very limited volume...( now,that structure is wrong )
But hey, be free...but be aware of your surrounding....freedom...use it wisely...while work without fun make jack a dull boy....so enjoy every moment...learn...and apply...learn to take a risk...
And i just learn it today....so just free to be you...roar...now that's remind me of someone....haha