1st day...it will be always about searching my inner strength....because right now,all cells are being affected by the disease...Miracle it is Ramadan.
2nd day...I raise both of my arms...asking from Him and Prophet Alaihi Salawatullahi Wassalaam to guide me...To forgive my sin...while i'm a sinner,i also a human being..And that explain everything.Miracle i have brothers.
3rd day....My mind is somewhere else....it just would not stay at one place...It will wonder and assume...Miracle the roar reminds me.
4th day....I realize what does it mean to be human..What does it means that TheProphet Alaihi Salawatullahi Wassalaam lives within me...Miracle i being granted my wishes.
5th day...I grasp all the air...and again i rise as the crusader...cause once i was a fallen giant but that fighting spirit sparkle once again.Miracle is i never give up.
6th day....Their faces came to my vision...The brotherhood...the memories....the path that i chose...and then a soul name present took place...it told me...You could not change the past but you could change the end...Its up to you to choose..If you keep dwelling on the past,you will be a disgrace to the mankind...If you keep moving,you will be a legacy...I as the present will walk beside you and the future is waiting for you....so i choose to keep moving... because someone keeps whispering...telling me...Ilyas,you are much stronger than you thought...Miracle is the story will not be the same again.
7th day....I'm smiling...because i get trough it once again...Miracle is we live under one blue sky.
Wow,that's one hell of step...But hey,what's the point believing in miracle when you never use it..Think..It just takes 7 days.