Ok...and here i am again...the weather is hot these few days..even at night though...anyway,i would like to continue where i stop from my previous post...and at this moment i would like to share with all you about 4 things...it might be what would i like to do in future...things i rather forget...my vision...and yah not forgetting my likes and dislikes...so here goes....
There are 4 things that i would like to do in future..it might look impossible but every things there will be always possibilities...
1st: I really wish i could go for bungee jumping...you know,throwing yourself from a very high place and with hope the knot that being tied to both of your leg will not get scrappy...or else...you complete the sentence...Its like a test of courage for me...something that teach yourself to take challenges..not to be afraid to face obstacles even at the crucial moment...and if i die..hey,it is just the cause..everyone will die one day somehow.....
2nd: To pursue my study to the higher level as i could...i aim that i would continue my master degree when i'm 30 and doctorate when i'm 35....and of course i will get marry 1st and make sure that my wife will continue hers study as well....Is it gonna be hard..you know,to support your wife and also the expenditure for both of us in studies...When there is a will there will be always a way...it is just like,understand your situation but do not make it as an excuses for you not to move on..ahah..and the course...its either language or history....
3rd: To quit smoking...this will be the hard part...not gonna brag about this...haha
4th: To work either as a journalist for newspaper or a correspondence for al-jazirah...big dream hah..so its gonna mean i have to work harder....
While thats for the future and what about my hobby...basically i do not have certain hobbies except there are certain things that i prefer to do than doing the other things..got what i mean.so ambivalence,,,
1st: I prefer to read books about language because it is my passion,politics because it make me aware about the situation and enviroment, history..yah because we will never understand the state we are in right now unless going back to the past..manga..come on,i need some entertainment...and yah,now i started to read novels by Mitch Albom...oho..it just make my eyes moist..
2nd: While i prefer to watch anime than anything..i'm not a tv man..i do not even watch tv when i'm at high school..but somehow anime really make me hook..it is more,once you get hook you will never really gonna escape from it..Naruto Shippuuden is my favourite..Now i'm sound childish..
3rd: I prefer listen to rock music than ballad...but ballad still could be accepted...but Nasyid..NO NO...
4th: If you gonna make me choose between coffee or tea..i will choose coffee...but for now,i have to cut down drinking coffee..it just make my teeth stain with it..a mix of cigarrete just gonna make it worse...
As a person i also had my love and hate towards something or someone...
1st: i love to kiss my mother forehead..while i hate people do something to hurt her even in a smallest way...
2nd: i love meeting new acquitance because from them i gain new experiences while i hate people are boastful ( the terms will be champion ) haha
3rd: i love receive message or call from her although seldom...i say her memories are like goldfish...you know to forget easily...i will message you later...but she forget...haha..but i'm ok with it. she say,the goldfish is just a myth...hate because i'm far away physically from her but she will always remains here to be my light...
4th: i love to test my endurance but hate if i give up in the middle..( fortunately i have never give up yet )
While there are dates that i will always remember, there will also be an event that i rather forget...
1st: 22nd March 1983 because it is my birthday...if i could forget my birthday i will never know i'm 26 right now....
2nd: 2nd Dec 2000...it is my last day at my school before i transfer to Aljunied...remembering that day...haha..not gonna mention it over here...
3rd: 21st April 1998 and yah..the day my mom try to kill herself..now that scary....
4th: 1st of March 2008...the 1st day i work at mosque..and i do not really recommend it..its better to be a student...The students two thumbs up while other than that...tho thumbs down..does the term ever exist...
Last but not least my vision as a person..basically this vision i put it into quote..so it will easily be remembered...so in every quote there is different vision for different purpose...
1st: I build my own empire..i have to stand on my own feet...i have to be responsible man in the future..i have to work hard for my family and i have to choose my own path..cool hah...
2nd: Jangan cakap benda yang belum jadi...while in life there will always possibilities...i will never ever put a stop on options and i would not conclude on something that seems to be futile....because i just have to try no matter what...
3rd: I will fail but i will never give up... i will fail in life...but if i give up i will never ever change anything about my failure..so i must raise again to correct what went wrong...
4th: Cry when you can...Laugh with your love ones..Enjoy the moment as long you are alive...
I guess thats it....while for the future,i might share a bit with all of you about my thought about love...do i really believe in love..is it worth to sacrifice everything....and who should we love...so till next time k..now you know 1/4 of me....