Thursday, April 2, 2009


With regards to this subject, we will summarise it from three important perspectives:

First perspective: What or who is able to unite the Muslim Ummah?

There are strong evidences to prove that Muhammad Rasulullah sollallahu'alaihiwassalam with his Az Za’amah Al Jaami’ah (Unifying Guarantee) is able to unite the Muslim Ummah in one Ummah. This gathering of the Ummah will last forever as long as the Muslim Ummah stays under the banner of the only one Za’amah Muhammadiyah. These are the words that are being said by the Dandarawi Family about the gathering of the Muslim Ummah [ Jam’ul Muslimin ] and the one who is able to unite the Muslim Ummah [ Jaami’ul Muslimin ]. So what do others say?

We heard from a group of Muslims that claims Al Qur’an Al Karim is able to unite the Muslims, and we also heard from another group that suggests Tauhid is able to unite Muslims... And we also heard about many others. To answer the above opinions, we have two answers:

First answer: As an answer to those who claim that Al Qur’an, Tauhid or others that are able to unite the Muslim Ummah.

Indeed history has written and what the Muslim Ummah had experienced, that is continuous up till today, stated that the Muslim Ummah had segregated into different groups because of Al Qur’an. Each group defends their own direction of interpretations and understanding, when at times they argue and debate among each other. This is because Al Qur’an can be interpreted with varying meanings...

As how it has been agreed in the history of Islamic Philosophy that the whole Muslim Ummah has consensually agreed with the oneness of Allah Subhanahu, however they segregate into different groups with their respective perspectives towards Tauhid, each and every one of them accuses those who disagree with them of blasphemy.

Second answer: The one who is able to unite an organisation must be of the same kind.

Indeed the centre of rotation of objects must be of similar kind to the objects that surrounds it, similar with them and at the same time having special attributes: similar in its kind... and having special attributes that can’t be matched by anyone from its kind. Therefore, the centre of rotation that the Muslim Ummah should surround must be someone that is of their kind. As the Muslim Ummah consists of humans, hence, its centre of rotation must be someone of a human kind too. With regards to the special attributes which cannot be compared to those of a different kind, hence the centre of rotation must always be one and cannot be in numbers. Supposedly if there is to be two centers of rotation, two groups will be formed instead of one. Therefore, to form one group only, there has to be only one centre of rotation.

There are evidences to prove that only one centre of rotation has to exist as how we have stated above and that the centre must be of the similar kind to the bodies that surround it, simultaneously owning special attributes. Indeed we are able to see these evidences in different aspects of our lives. If we look at the outerspace for example, we will notice that all planets orbit around a centre of rotation that is similar to its kind, which is the sun. The sun is an astronomical body and at the same time own special attributes that is unique. There is only one sun and everything else rotates around it in a wonderful and orderly orbiting network, hence if there is something that disrupts the network, everything will be affected and destroyed. As how the sun forms this network, the same goes with the network of nature or humans. Verily, the centre of rotation that is able to unite is similar to its kind and owns a special unique attribute... Therefore, if the gathering is the gathering of humans, it is obvious that the one who can unite and be centre of rotation must also be from the humankind, and not others.
Second perspective: Do look forward to the next article...

This article is an excerpt from the encyclopedia Asda’ Wasiqah Baidha’: Takwin Wa Kiyan by Dr Su’ad Al-Hakim, a professor in Islamic Philosophy and Sufism which was written in Arabic. This encyclopedia provides evidences from Al Quran Al Karim and Al Hadith Ash Sharif and cross references to Islamic history with the aim of supporting the book by Al Fadhl Bin Al Abbas Ad Dandarawi, Al-Usrah Ad-Dandarawiyah, Takwin Wa Kiyan (Built and Model). This book explains the disunity of the Ummah that started since the 18th century because the Ummah separate the leadership of The Master of Mankind sollallahu'alaihiwassalam from Islam.

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