Continuation of UNIFYING ZA'AMAH I
2nd Consideration: A Muslim’s Irtibat with the unique prophetic self of Rasulullah SAW will change his self formation (Takwin).
We understand that a Muslim cannot change his self formation by holding on to the Risalah Al Muhammadiyah (Final Message) [Maslak, Suluk, Manhaj, and Minhaj]. It is made clear in which only through Irtibat (binding of faith) with his dzat (person) of Rasulullah sollallahu'alaihiwassalam can a Muslim change his self formation.
Thus it is not enough to follow his Risalah through Rasulullah’s sollallahu'alaihiwassalam first role as the Rasul that Finalizes Islam. However, he must follow the 2 nd role of which that he is the Zaim that Unites the Muslimin to change his self formation.
3rd Consideration: Rasulullah’s sollallahu'alaihiwassalam role of Siyadah and Za’amah continues even after his Intiqal.
A sizable portion of the Muslim population believe that Rasulullah’s sollallahu'alaihiwassalam Siyadah and Za’amah are entitled only to the fellow Companions and Mukmins that live during his time. To answer this assumption and preconception, we have to look back to the Islamic divine evidences (nas-nas) that become the reference of our principles of faith (aqidah) and the thinking of those who have faith.
We begin this analysis of the continuity of Rasulullah’s sollallahu'alaihiwassalam Siyadah to all who have faith, be it for those who live during the time of Rasulullah sollallahu'alaihiwassalam, his Intiqal or the day when there is nobody left in this world that says “I am a Muslim”. There are evidences quoted from the verses of Al Qur’an Al Karim and the Prophet’s sollallahu'alaihiwassalam glorious hadiths.Firstly, all verses of Al Qur’an Al Karim that command the obligation to follow and obey Rasulullah sollallahu'alaihiwassalam project his Siyadah. All the verses are not restricted to only the Muslims that lived during the time of Rasulullah’s sollallahu'alaihiwassalam human life. However the law of the verses encompass to the whole ummah until the end of time.
Secondly, the glorious hadiths which contain the term Siyadah remind those who have faith that Rasulullah’s sollallahu'alaihiwassalam Siyadah is not only limited during his human life. At the same time Rasulullah’s sollallahu'alaihiwassalam Siyadah is not only limited during a person’s life. His Siyadah is ongoing during a mukmin’s life, his death and hereafter.
Rasulullah sollallahu'alaihiwassalam says which means, “By the One whom my life is in His Hand, indeed I am the master of humans in the day of Qiamat, without boasting or bragging”.
Rasulullah sollallahu'alaihiwassalam also says which means, “I am the master of Adam’s sons and I am the first one whom the Earth open up for me with the permission of Allah, the first person to give syafaat and the first to receive syafaat.”
Next we discuss the continuity of Rasulullah’s SAW unifying Za’amah to all who have faith, regardless whether they live during or after the time of Rasulullah’s sollallahu'alaihiwassalam human life. This is because Rasulullah’s sollallahu'alaihiwassalam Za’amah is a Za’amah that is constant in this world and hereafter. There are evidences quoted from the verses of Al Quran Al Karim and the Prophet’s sollallahu'alaihiwassalam glorious hadiths.Firstly, every verse of Al Qu’ran Al Karim that explains Rasulullah sollallahu'alaihiwassalam is a Guarantor whom exists in each individual that follow and obey Rasulullah sollallahu'alaihiwassalam proves his unifying Za’amah. The verses clearly show that these statements do not become void after Rasulullah’s sollallahu'alaihiwassalam Intiqal. In fact, the verses are the judgment of the syariah law that is applicable to the whole ummah in all age and time.
Secondly, the glorious hadiths which shows us to the Za’amah of Rasulullah sollallahu'alaihiwassalam for the Muslim Ummah, which penetrates through all eras till beyond life in Dunia such that we are able to witness that his guarantee to those who have faith is evident in life in Akhirah.
Indeed this is the Za’amah of the person of Rasulullah sollallahu'alaihiwassalam who accepts the pledge of those who pledge to him and gathers his guarantee to those who pledge to him with both the guarantees of Dunia and Akhirah.
Rasulullah sollallahu'alaihiwassalam says which means, “I am the Zaim in the house in Heaven for those who resist bragging, although it is a true problem. I am also the Zaim in the house of Heaven for those who leaves a lie, even if the lie is a joke and I am the Zaim in the house of the highest Heaven for those with good character.”
Rasulullah sollallahu'alaihiwassalam also says which means, “I am the Zaim, and Zaim is a guarantor, for those who have faith in me, embrace Islam, and migrates, in the house of Heaven, in the house in the middle of Heaven. And I am the Zaim for those who have faith in me, embrace Islam and Jihad in the way of Allah, in the house of Heaven, in the house in the middle of heaven and in the house in the highest rooms of Heaven. Those who have done as such and constantly do good and leave the bad, he shall die as how he wishes to.
This article is an excerpt from the encyclopedia Asda’ Wasiqah Baidha’: Takwin Wa Kiyan by Dr Su’ad Al-Hakim, a professor in Islamic Philosophy and Sufism which was written in Arabic. This encyclopedia provides evidences from Al Quran Al Karim and Al Hadith Ash Sharif and cross references to Islamic history with the aim of supporting the book by Al Fadhl Bin Al Abbas Ad Dandarawi, Al-Usrah Ad-Dandarawiyah, Takwin Wa Kiyan (Built and Model). This book explains the disunity of the Ummah that started since the 18th century because the Ummah separate the leadership of The Master of Mankind sollallahu'alaihiwassalam from Islam.