How are you? Hope all of you are doing good...It had been weeks i last posted my message via the blog...Alhamdulillah..I' doing fine..Not great but i feel good..Because i started to laugh, smile without any worries...But then somehow, an issue had been raise by certain individual...Nah..not gonna write about them just wanna share my thought with all of you about what i learnt from the incident...
You see my dear...In each one of us had our own philosophy, principle, ideology i should say...but the only thing that we lack is the nature of acceptance of others..Why this kind of mindset should happen when we believe without any doubts that a muslim should respect others before themselves.
Therefore i figure it out with the guidance of Allah and Rasulullah Alaihi Salawatullahi Wassalaam..A muslim..who bind himself with Him Alaihi Salawatullahi Wassalaam will never ever had this kind of attitude...Because Rasulullah Salawatullahi Wassalaam teaches all of us to respect other opinion..Not to condemned them but accept their opinion full hearted without any hatred...Analyse, observed then come with a conclusion..But in a good way and approach.And that is totally contradict today..Most of the so called scholars represent their idea by saying my idea is the best and that is bullshit...haha
I guess thats all for now...By the way the title perfume because in arabic it means atar but when the perfume smell nice it is call raihanah...If that scholars understand between a perfume and an elegant perfume..What should happen? You do the thinking........take care my dear..hope to see all of you again